Bol atau bergedil berkuah is the Jellanies favourite dish during the month of Ramadan during our younger days when arwah mak was still alive.As far I know we haven't eaten this anywhere else but maks.When the time comes for making this I am always the helper to make the bergedil and mind you its not the small size we buy now but huge one as bis as a tennis ball.

You need the above sliced onions,garlic,crushed ginger,cinnamon stick and star aniseed to boil the beef soup with.

Beef cut to small pieces and boil together with above ingredients till tender.

Add 2 tablespoon of tomato puree or paste,salt & sugar to taste and white pepper. Those with hot palate can add a tablespoon of cili boh.

While waiting the soup to cook .............................

Fry the defrost frozen bergedils ....with 1 beaten eggs.

Sliced the cucumber into rings and the tomatoes for garnishing................

With some peas ..... ooopss........ this is frozen before thawing them.

The result bol so yummy ....garnish with the cucumber,tomatoes,peas and fried shallot.
The Jellanies call it bol but if you know of any other names do let me know.
till my next recipe .......