Mee bakso instant my first time doing it today...ever since when atok was in hospital at St Luke's we frequent this makan place for dinner 'Makan Bagus'where they sell ayam penyet and mee bakso and many other delicious food.My youngest sis just love this mee bakso so today my first try cooking and eating it .... well what can I say .. sedapppppp!!

The stock boil a pot of water and I add in one cinnnamon stick,pepper(white)an salt to taste.

Ready cooked beef meat balls.

Add into the broth .
Mee soaked in boiling water and drain.
My mee bakso instant .... garnished with fried shallot,sayur sawi and sambal blacan.
Hello, Kak Elle!
Great menu and good food.
Have a nice week.
thank u and you too have a nice day:)
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