Mee rebus sungguh enak di makan.
To Neeza sorry eh didn't know that I didn't put up the recipe of mee rebus here before and yesterday I had the opportuniny to do it in Texas for my niece Kristina and Robert.
You'll need
1 serai
1" lengkuas
2 big onions
4-5 gralics
4tablespoon taucu
2 tablespoon curry powder
3 tablespoon dried prawns
asam kepin or squeeze of asam jawa
salt and sugar to taste
1 sweet potato(boiled and mashed)optional
corn flour to thciken the gravy
1/2 cupful of crushed peanuts
1. Mixed all ingredients in blender
2. Tumis till fragrant add in 2 litres water and boil.
3. Add asam juice,salt and sugar to taste.
4.Add crushed peanuts...cook till boil.
5.Add mixed corn flour with water to thicken the gravy
BUT if you using mashed sweet potatoes then omit the corn flour.
When serve garnish with cut red/green cili,lime,boied egg,spring onion/chinese parsley and fried shallot.
sedapnyaa!!! neeza memang terliur habis ni.. tapi mee dan kacang pulak takde.. esok kena cari mee lah. nak buat ni.. before bersalin hehee..
neeza..semoga jumpa mee ye kalau tak guna je spagetti.
love your blog..so tempting and colourful with many delicious recipies.
lama kak elle tak update this blog...i like to see all the recipes...nampak very tempting...next, i must try your mee rebus..coz i've never added serai and taucu...
skg malas nak masak sorang2...alasan:)
cuba lah buat mee rebus tu mungkin anak2 suka.
thank you do try the dishes they are simple to do.
kak Elle, kalau takde tauchu, boleh ganti dengan apa yek? sini tak jumpa tauchu laa...
Salam, cari resipi mee rebus terjumpa ur blog. Nampak sedap. Nak tanya sikit. Rempah kari apa tuh...ayam ke ikan? Terima kasih. Pat Seattle belum jumpa mee rebus. Terpaksa masak lah ni.:)
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