As usual I will buy both the mee and lontong so we can have both soto ayam or mee soto.

A simple dish to cook with an hour all done and ready to serve.....
1.Boil 1 chicken with smashed ginger/lemon grass and cinnamon stick.
2.When chicken is cooked remove and shred it.
3.Add sliced onions and garlic to chicken soup along with rempah soto( I always buy kak zah brand).
4. Add salt to taste.
5. Fry the begedil,chopped spring onions and parsley.
6. Blend some cili padi with some sweet black sauce and when done heat it up till boiled.
Mee soto ......
easy rite?so what you waiting for?cepat2 masak soto ok....hahaha
There are plenty of soto(rempah) in the market and so far I am happy with kak zah's brand.
salam kak elle :)
e tunggu chat box kak elle tak muncul2 lah :(
e ada 'award' utk kak elle tau... bila2 amek ok:)
wah kak elle dapat award eh?
terima kasih bebanyak ... chat box lom tarok lagi..
soto is authentic Indonesian food is delicious, you will not regret it if you try it
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